Dawn of war sisters of battle
Dawn of war sisters of battle

In the game itself, everything is the same. They use ceremonial rippers that only Space Marines can oppose. A new race - the Sisters of Battle - are skilled warriors who inspire fear. Each battle slowly but surely leads you to victory and complete control of the planets in the setting. In the final expansion, we have to fight for one of 9 races. Imperial troops tired of all the madness in turn-based story-driven strategy. Orcish Rock still thirsts for power, guided only by its own greed The Eldar undertake to steal the souls of the slain in order to perform dark rituals. With the help of the Ancient Gates, you can move around all the planets of the system, however, the game offers us events only for 4. Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Soulstorm - this is a unique opportunity to see an innovative system of rewards, new cards - 29 pieces, as well as two new races that brought aviation with them. Story campaign actions - four planets and three satellites. The author's addition, thanks to which the developers received many awards, was implemented within the game universe with new races: Eldar and Sisters of Battle.

Dawn of war sisters of battle